Immigration law / Naturalization law

Do You apply for a residence permit in Germany?
Do You apply for a residence permit in Germany?
Do You have problems with the German embassy and your visa-application in Your home country?
Do You want to become a German Citizen?
Storch law office provides comprehensive legal services in the field of immigration law. We guide you through the entire process of applying a residence permit.
- Right of residence (Aufenthaltsrecht)
- Freedom of movements / EU (Freizügigkeit)
- Citizenship law (Einbürgerung)
- Labour and social law (Arbeits- und Sozialrecht)
Some aspects of our areas of expertise:
New! Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht – 01.01.2023
Perspective for hopeless with Duldung or Gestattung
On the 1st of January 2023 the so called „Chancenaufenthaltsrecht” -Law of the residence opportunity - will take effect. With the new § 104c Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG) – the German Residence Act, rejected asylum seekers or other foreigners that live for at least 5 years in Germany with a “Duldung” or “Gestattung” will have the opportunity to reach in 18 months the requirements of a “normal” residence permit. Under the Chancenaufenthaltsrecht people with a Duldung / Gestattung are granted a temporary residence permit.
Requirements in particular:
- Proof of identity (submission of a passport)
- Sufficient living income
- Knowledge of the German language (Minimum A2 level)
- Being under the age of 27 (for the permit according to §25a AufenthG/new)
The law offers a perspective for many refugees in Duldung. But there are still quite some obstacles to overcome in order to obtain a long-term right of residence (new §§25a, 25b AufenthG) People who got in conflict with the law and were sentenced with a certain penalty are excluded from this opportunity.
German Permanent Residence Permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis)
The German permanent permit allows to consolidate the residency in Germany: living, working and studying in Germany without restrictions for an unlimited time. Whether as employee or in self-employment. The permanent residency grants its holder freedom of movement, allowing to enter and leave Germany at any time and without the restrictions in place for other visas and residence permits.
The “Niederlassungserlaubnis” is the before step after a temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) and on step before the gaining of the German citizenship (Einbürgerung) via naturalization.
There are different types of permanent residencies with different requirements. Legal advice is strongly recommended.
Permanent EU Residence Permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis EU)
The Permanent EU Residence Permit allows its holder to live and work in Germany or in other countries of the European Community.
German citizenship / Dual citizenship (Doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft)
There are many benefits to be gained from getting German citizenship. German citizenship opens Germany and the European Union to its holder. German citizens have the right to European Union Freedom of Movement; this means an easier access to other EU countries for work, study, retirement and other purposes.
We advise on German /dual) citizenship and provide full support to our clients in any legal disputes. German citizenship is a possibility for those who have lived and worked in Germany for the required length of time, for those who marry German citizens and for those who can claim it through their ancestry.
German dual citizenship is a complex issue as the legal requirements in Germany and those of the country of origin must be followed. Some countries require their citizen to give up their citizenship if they apply for another country’s citizenship. Other countries do not allow their citizens to renounce that citizenship, making applying for German citizenship by residency more difficult. So, it will be important to know if your country of origin allows for dual citizenship before seeking German citizenship.
Another benefit of German citizenship is that it provides easier access to over 180 countries worldwide with either visa-free or visa-on-arrival access.